I love these photos..these are the ones that bring a smile immediately to my face. I easily hear the laughter....what a great day. Jamie contacted to me photograph her family while her brother was in town, as a gift to their Mother..."Grandma". Now here is a Family with such energy and the all the right kind of stuff. They met me on the beach, completely "chill" with whatever I had in mind. Well, that's the funny thing about me, I don't always come with a plan, I like things to just "be" to just "be" as they are, and watch things unfold.. CLEARLY, none of these smiles were posed, they are the most wonderful random laugh-out-loud smiles.

These first few shots are so great because it's a look at the "behind the scenes" of a family shoot. Try as we might the little ones would ALWAYS end up doing their own thing. We'd get Grandma seated and get 2 of the 4 on her lap and then 1 would take off running....and this would obviously bring the utmost joy and delight to Grandma! She'd totally crack up! And we'd start all over, wiping noses, calming babies, and think we had things ready and then.........there goes another one...Enjoy these. These are great family moments.....

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