Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Boys

The Boys stopped by the new Studio tonight, and I was able to fire off a few shots of them. Miles, The Mastiff is ony 8 months old and his head is already bigger than Grayson who at 10 months is Miles Best Friend, Big Brother, Partner in Crime.....For a huge dog who will weigh close to 200 lbs when he's through growing, he is one gentle giant around Grayson. Well thank goodness for that!!! They are pals. Getting Miles to sit still on the white paper was no easy task, but eventually he calmed down enough to sit Grayson beside him. Adorableness!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

On The Pond

On the pond twice this week. No fish, but I was able to "catch" Dorothy practicing some yoga on the bow of her new boat. What a sight to behold. A beautiful woman, a beautiful mind, and a wonderful friend. Thanks for the opportunity to land some photos of our spectacular enviroment. We grabbed photos of Jelly fish, Firey red coral, Blue Heron, Snowy Egret and birds I'd never even seen before. But no fish!! :) I'll look forward to many more boat rides, Dorothy. Again, thank you for sharing what makes you so happy. I understand! I really do!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of summer are here. The flower gardens are winding down, though Schneids's vegetable garden is "kickin". Plenty of tomatoes, rasberries, blueberries, carrots, peppers, and fresh herbs. Autumn is just around the corner....I can tell; the nights are cooler, the skies have been gorgeous!!! The most beautiful 3 dimensional "pluffy" clouds against the bluest of blues which is making for some really spectacular sunsets. I am chasing sunsets of late and last night I final got a self portrait that I like. Actually, i really can't call it a self portrait, as my friend and mutual photog geek, Mary Alice, took it of me last night down at the Quonnie Breachway. Blessed again by Mother Nature in all her glory. Heart stopping beauty. A perfect day!

The studio should be complete by September 1. Until then the living room has been turned upside down, couches removed, strobes, and background stands in their place. Hannah said "MOM, you can't do this! This is our living room!" I smiled and said, "Watch me, I'm chasing a dream, Hannah. And someday you will too!" (She's now one of my #1 supporters.) I love you, B!
