Saturday, August 29, 2009

Watch Hill

I had the pleasure of meeting the F family in Watch Hill last weekend. They were so much fun to work with! The children ran around the yard at Grandma's then ran some more down at the beach. The fog and humidity were unbelievable, we couldn't see beyond the breakers! Here's a sneek peek of the photos R. Thank you for the opportunity to photograph your lovely, beautiful Grand children!

Monday, August 17, 2009


What a great evening I had with Jill. This girl has so much life and good energy in her! I picked her up for her private Senior Portrait Session and we shot a bunch of photos at her house and in her orchards before heading out into town and the beach. She's heard me say many times that I wanted to photograph a Senior in her dress, in the ocean, so while we were digging through some of the change of clothes she brought with her, she said "Here Cath, I bought this dress for you!"..I said, "For me? Oh Jill, that will never fit me!" And she laughed that hearty laugh and said, "No, Cath, for me to wear for you! This dress can get wet, like Ocean wet"! Well we drove like mad to the beach, the sun was setting fast and we were losing light, but in she went, and I think we got some gorgeous shots! It doesn't take much to get gorgeous shots when you look this good!
Thanks Jill! I had a blast! I hope you like them!
The word is that the local schools each have their "contracted" photographer, and alot of the students don't like that idea. The typical, studio "headshot," is not for everyone. The students that I am photographing now are doing it for the "experience" and the creativity they feel. We'll go anywhere, try anything, and just let them be who they are. What teenager wouldn't enjoy a night like this! 2 hours of fun! Think about it the next time you wonder what to get them for their 16th or 17th birthday! I promise you, they won't be dissappointed!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pow Wow

What a heart stopping event this is! Brooke and I decided to take Grayson over to the Narragansett Indian Pow Wow over the weekend. There are no words to quite describe this celebration, except maybe Grayson's words... "WoW"! "Wow, Nana, Wow!"
The beating of the drums, the dancers in their amazing, breathtakingly beautiful dress, the young little children, and the old, old members, dancing to the beat of the drums...just an awe- inspiring event. I am so glad we shared this beautiful culture with Grayson. It was so spiritual! Here are a couple of snapshots of the day. The first one is of Allen, my favorite Indian! :) He made this gorgeous pipe of wampum, and it was to be lit, for the first time, later in the day, during a Healing ceremony. We stayed around hoping to share this with them, but rain forced us on our way..

This little fellow I had photographed with his family about a month ago, and Brooke pointed him out to me. Needless to say, my heart leapt! His Grandmother danced the Blanket dance.

These girls; visiting from Africa sat with us and I was truely touched by their beauty, and the contrast of our cultures...We are all sharing the same planet, the same beauty. We are all woven together in the same blanket..
