I have been incredibly busy lately, which is a good thing! A very good thing! But because of it, I've fallen behind on my "blogging". I've never been the best blogger out there, but at least try to post some of my sessions. Yikes! In the next few days i will try to catch up and put some shots up of weddings, soccer games, families, seniors....so DO come back!!

This session was truly a celebration of Love. As i worked on these photos, editing, (deleting my out of focus pics), it occurred to me that this particular session was all about LOVE. The way this Mom and Dad touched and hugged and kissed this little guy, was so sweet to be part of! They whole heartedly adore him. I photographed C at about 1 week old! How big he's gotten and sooooooo adorable. Keep up all the loving F and M, its certainly paying off. C is such a happy smiley, little fella!

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