Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Puppy Love

Anyone who's been in love knows that true love can develop at any age, as long as your hearts and minds are open to it! Christin and Stephen are proof of that. Their love story is old....they met in Middle School, went out, broke up, dated others, but deep within their souls they both knew that it was each other, they loved. I watched them as they grew; their love like a raging river at times, then different forks along the way, branching out, winding, turning, exploring, and then making their way back to each other, emptying into each other, creating more energy, more love.

To be a witness to their marriage vows was certainly special, and photographing their wedding day for them was even more so! I hope I captured a little bit of them, so that you will have a better understanding of who they are and how lovingly & perfectly they adore each other.. For their friends and families it was no surprise that they would commit to one another was meant to be. In their time....It is love.

Here is Steve seeing his Bride for the first time!

These are just a few of my favorites; more where these came from. xo

Getting Stronger...

The Chariho Girls Soccer team is getting stronger, playing much better and coming away with scores that reflect their hard efforts. Why not come out and support them? They are without a doubt a "Home Town" team and always play well for their fans!! They have Home games the 6th @ 3:45, the 13th @ 6pm, the Championship round of the Chariho Sports Boosters Tournament on the 17th @ 4pm (great cause; support the Sports Boosters!! They do an amazing job!) and the 20th at 6pm. Dress warm, bring the family and come ready to cheer them on!!

Keep it up, Girls! You are really playing like a TEAM.

To view more of the team photos go to, then Gallery, then Sports and'll find them under Chariho Games

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Celebration of Love....

I have been incredibly busy lately, which is a good thing! A very good thing! But because of it, I've fallen behind on my "blogging". I've never been the best blogger out there, but at least try to post some of my sessions. Yikes! In the next few days i will try to catch up and put some shots up of weddings, soccer games, families, DO come back!!

This session was truly a celebration of Love. As i worked on these photos, editing, (deleting my out of focus pics), it occurred to me that this particular session was all about LOVE. The way this Mom and Dad touched and hugged and kissed this little guy, was so sweet to be part of! They whole heartedly adore him. I photographed C at about 1 week old! How big he's gotten and sooooooo adorable. Keep up all the loving F and M, its certainly paying off. C is such a happy smiley, little fella!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Meet Katie! This was her Senior portrait shoot. We had a great time trekking around Westerly, in search of good light, beautiful backgrounds, and unique cool places that would compliment her beautiful, beautiful face! Not an easy task. What a smile!

Here's a sneek peek, Katie! And thank you for the opportunity to get to get to know you better!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Win Would be Nice

Yes, a win would definatley be nice, but just check out this goal celebration by Haley! You'd think it was the winning goal, by the celebration. We were down 4-0 and it was the beginning of the second half; Coach had mixed things up a bit with the positioning, and had moved Haley from Sweeper up to Forward. About the third minute into the second half she scored! I love this face! Its worth a million words, isn't it? Just a goal. Just ONE goal! That's all it took to get this moment of JOY!
For more photos of this game check out my website at

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Watch Me Grow

Back when little J was born Mom and Dad invested in my "Watch Me Grow" package. (Lucky me, because I not only get to watch this adorable little guy grow his first year, but I've made new friends!)
Here's a sneak peek of our second session with J.

Love the hair!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

24 Hours

Spent the night in Boston with all the kids! And the Grandkids!! Emma is getting so big and she and Grayson are really adorable together. Their beginning to "play" and laugh at one another.. Oh My Gosh, it doesn't get much better than this. We had so many laughs and great discussions, watched Ben Affleck filming a scene for his next movie, right on Caits block, even visited Ryan, which made our Hannah B happy.

Only 24 hours but lots of fun, and always worth the trip. *ALWAYS*
