These two little cutie pies were so darn adorable. I was incredibly psyched when their Mom called me to do their photographs because their Mom was a friend of Brooke's in H.S. It's even more special for me, when my clients, are from our "past" and they are bringing their young families, into the studio. Such a pleasure, to see where life has taken you, Krissy. Your family is beautiful! It wasn't easy trying to get F to hold her newborn little sister, and we sure had a few good laughs, but we managed to get the shot! I love the look on her face. "Ok, take the picture, MOM take the baby!" Too cute; both of them!!!!
I found this great little Tu-Tu at T.J.'s and thought "This will be perfect for the Studio". Well, it sorta wasn't working for this little darling. Unfortunately, the material is quite scratchy and she couldn't wait to get it off. I had another little girl this weekend who was not into the Tu-Tu and the moment Mom put it on her it was "WAHHHH!" :)
Here's a few of my fav's from our session. Thanks so much Kris for bringing them in; I enjoyed every minute with you! Hope to see them back here, as they grow and become even tighter SISTER'S, like you & yours!

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