Ok, so they say it takes a Village to win a State Championship! At least, a whole bunch of hard working, determined, never-give-up, tough, talented ladies. And of course, their very cool, caring, always fun loving parents, because after all, it's these parts working together that help make up the Village that wins Championships, right? AND not one, not two, but FOUR State Championships! AND, this particular village is special because it has it's very own VILLAGE IDIOT! We're special alright!

All kidding aside, Ladies, you were amazing! You knew what to do because you've had the best coaching there is. You've always had coach's who believed in you and let you have fun! So thanks for today! Now we're all headed to West Virginia to represent little Rhodie against some very tough and big states, in the Regionals, but because you've got so much heart, and LOVE for the game, we know you'll represent us well! Congratulations! Here are some pictures of today's celebration. NO, no shots of the game; I was too busy pacing, to be thinking about photos! I love you all! These are some happy faces! Thank you Alex, for all the time and commitment to this team!