It has been Pure Enjoyment the last couple of weeks. I have met the most wonderful family's. I was blessed to meet and photograph the very handsome addition to the R family! What a gorgeous, perfect baby! To think just a few short weeks ago we were photographing Mommy's belly! Wow. Welcome to paradise Alden! Its quite apparent how much your family loves you! May you thrive!
And of course, there was 3 month old Natalia with her many expressions! Some day we'll tell you how nutty we were acting; trying to get you to smile at the lens, Natalie! We had lots of fun. Your a perfect little princess and you behaved so well. Who needs to smile when you have eyes like that!! I hope you'll come back to visit for more photo shoots, and we can watch you grow!
Then there was the Davin family, with the photos shot on their location, which is stunning. We had some fog, even some drizzle, but we also had lots of laughs! Thank you, Davin's!
~ And the Kendall family. Surprise for Fathers Day! Hope you'll enjoy the pictures, Doug, as much as i enjoyed taking them. You've got a beautiful family!
Reg, Correen, B, all it took was a couple cold beers and we settled right in, didn't we??? I think little B is adorable!! Personable, easy going, and absolutely charming. Come back and see us soon!
Happy Fathers Day to all our Dad's. Let's celebrate them for their love of family, their hard work and dedication. I know my girls will be celebrating theirs! We love you, Schneids! And now your a Grandpa! xoxo
Love the new pictures- looks like everyone had lots of fun. they are wonderful and beautiful!!!